At St Mark’s we have a comprehensive reporting and assessment schedule.
We believe that parents need to have accurate information about their child’s learning. Children are assessed formally and informally at St Mark’s throughout the year so that learning plans cater to each child’s learning needs. Formal reports, parent teacher meetings and Student Led Learning Conferences, which give children the opportunity to share their learning with their parents, are the many ways parents are informed about their child’s progress.
Teaching staff are always willing to discuss children’s progress with parents.
At St Mark’s, assessment is a vital part of the learning and teaching process.
Teachers collect information to inform teaching.
Assessment occurs for various purposes:
Assessment for learningAssessment FOR learning - occurs when teachers provide information on student knowledge, skills and behaviours to inform the next stage of learning.
Assessment as learningAssessment AS learning - occurs when students reflect on and monitor their progress to inform their future learning goals
Assessment of learningAssessment OF learning - occurs when teachers provide information about what students have learnt in relation to the standards.
At St Mark’s, formal reporting procedures are undertaken at appropriate stages during the year. These are:
Term OneParent Teacher meetings, this are an opportunity for parents to share information about their child.
Term TwoNAPLAN assessmentSemester One report.
Parent Teacher Meetings
Term FourSemester Two report.
Parents and/or teachers may request meetings at any time during the year to discuss student learning